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Video: “Defense of Marriage Act” Strikes Out Again & More News
Prop. 8 Ruled Unconstitutional Two Years Ago
A Family of Seven: Shannan & Monica’s Love Story
Interactive Map Shows the “Crazy Patchwork” of Marriage Rights
U.S. Supreme Court Asked to Hear Prop. 8 Case
Video: Chick-fil-A Protests Increase and More News
Through Thick and Thin: Thom and Jeff’s Love Story
Battleground State Profile: Washington
Battleground State Profile: Minnesota
Battleground State Profile: Maryland

August 6, 2012
Prop 8 is heading to the Supreme Court, and another judge finds the Defense of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional in this week's Marriage News Watch.

August 4, 2012
Today marks the two-year anniversary of the District Court decision that ruled Prop. 8 unconstitutional. It’s easy to forget how historic the ruling is. Two years is too long to wait for something that is so obvious and inevitable.

August 2, 2012
After a nearly decade-long relationship, Monica and Shannan are still entirely smitten with each other. “If it were not for Shannan,” Monica says, “I would not be in the wonderful place that I am. She is so beautiful; I am so lucky!”

August 1, 2012
A new interactive map by the Los Angeles Times tracks 10 years of progress and setbacks for marriage equality in the United States.

July 31, 2012
The proponents of Proposition 8 are asking the United States Supreme Court to reconsider the decision that ruled Prop. 8 unconstitutional. Video and more details.

July 31, 2012
The Chick-fil-A saga continues, Washington marriage equality supporters get a big donation and more news on this week's Marriage News Watch.

July 27, 2012
When Jeff Tabaco and Thom Watson of Daly City, California, met nine years ago, it was a meeting of the minds before it was a meeting of the hearts, but it became a long-lasting love.

July 27, 2012
Billionaire founder of Jeff Bezos and his wife, MacKenzie, pledged to donate $2.5 million to help pass a marriage equality initiative in Washington State. Here's a run-down of efforts to secure the freedom to marry in the Evergreen State.

July 26, 2012
We continue our four-part series profiling states facing marriage ballot measures by taking a look at Minnesota, which already has a law on the books that prevents gay and lesbian couples from getting married.

July 25, 2012
For the second installment in a four-part series about states with marriage equality ballot initiates, we look at Maryland. Find out about the history of marriage efforts in the state, current polling and what you can do.