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Video: States to Watch for Marriage Equality
Video: Marriage Equality in 2012, Year in Review
WATCH: Conflict Over Marriage in Democratic Party Platform & More News
The Myths of GOP Support for LGBT Equality
One of the Most Important Republican Donors is on a Mission: Marriage Equality
Video: Colin Powell Supports Marriage Equality & More News
Video: Leaked GOP Memo Supports Gay Marriage

January 8, 2013
In this week's episode of Marriage News Watch: An exciting start to the year, with a win and a setback in Illinois. Two brand new marriage bills are on the fast track in Rhode Island. And a Congressional bill to repeal DOMA picks up support.

December 28, 2012
Here's a quick year-in-review to get you caught up with the progress we made in 2012, and where we're going to focus in 2013.

August 21, 2012
There's disagreement over marriage equality in the Democratic Party platform, with some party members resisting the move.

July 16, 2012
Is the GOP deeply anti-gay? Hardly, according to the Cato Institute’s David Lampo, who tackles that question in a Los Angeles Times Op/Ed today.

June 11, 2012
Paul Singer has given nearly $10 million of his own money to LGBT-rights initiatives, including AFER's case against Prop. 8, and marriage efforts in New York, New Hampshire and New Jersey.

May 29, 2012
This week on Marriage News Watch: President Obama's leadership on marriage equality is proving to have a major impact, form national organizations and local polling. Anti-equality forces set a record, but it's probably not one they wanted. And DOMA is ruled unconstitutional in a fifth federal case.

May 22, 2012
In this week's update: A leaked memo urges an about-face for anti-equality Republicans. A civil unions bill dies in Colorado, for now. But access to marriage expands in Rhode Island, and more new surveys confirm the ever-growing public support for equality