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Trial Day 2: The History of Marriage
Trial Day 1: The Plaintiffs Take the Stand
Introduction: Revisit The Prop. 8 Trial
Revisit Marriage Equality’s Truth Commission
Under Oath: Prop. 8 Witness Supports Marriage Equality Arguments
AFER Debunks NOM’s New Propaganda Video
Star Witness Urges Minnesota Voters to Reject Marriage Ban (Video)
Testimony: Marriage is a Basic Civil Right
The Word “Marriage” Has Meaning
AFER in the News: Leaders Discuss Future of the Prop. 8 Case
District Court Trial

January 15, 2013
Day two of the January 2010 Prop. 8 trial, marriage equality's truth commission, continued testimony by Harvard University Professor Nancy Cott.

January 15, 2013
Day 1 of the marriage equality truth commission started with opening statements. Then each of AFER's plaintiffs then took the stand.

January 15, 2013
As we prepare to take our case for full marriage equality to the U.S. Supreme Court, AFER highlights each day of the 2010 Prop. 8 trial as it happened.

January 14, 2013
Revisit the marriage equality truth commission through daily summaries, quotes and photos.

October 26, 2012
Here’s what happened when Prop. 8 was put on trial: We had 17 witnesses, they had only 2. And when witnesses raise their right hand, they swear to tell the whole truth, even their own witness supported our case.

October 26, 2012
NOM's latest propaganda piece is an attractive “Marriage 101” video that includes claims that NOM knows are not true – claims that AFER’s all-star legal team expertly debunked during the 2010 federal district court trial of Prop. 8.

October 22, 2012
The star witness for Prop. 8 appears in a new video for Minnesotans United for All Families, urging voters to reject a state ban on marriage for gay and lesbian couples.

August 7, 2012
We talk often about how marriage is a civil right, affirmed by 14 Supreme Court cases dating back to 1888. But marriage also holds specific significance throughout American history.

June 20, 2012
Many people grow up dreaming of falling in love and having the perfect wedding. They do not grow up saying “I want to be domestic partners.”

June 6, 2012
Yesterday marked a huge turning point in our case for marriage equality. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals announced that it will not rehear our case. Here’s a round-up of interviews quoting people involved with AFER’s case for marriage equality in reaction to yesterday’s decision.