American Foundation for Equal Rights

Marriage News Blog

Prop. 8 and DOMA Challenges: What’s the Difference?
The United States Supreme Court now is considering two types of cases that deal with marriage for gay and lesbian couples. AFER explains what they have in common and how they are different.
Couples Use Their Weddings to Raise Awareness and Funds for Marriage Equality
Celebrities, like Jason Mraz, Brad Pitt & Angeline Jolie, and Kristen Bell & Dax Shepard have pledged not to get married until all their friends can. But what about the couples who, understandably, don’t want to—or can’t—wait to get married?
The Conservative Case for Marriage Equality
What do Clint Eastwood, Dick Cheney, Ted Olson, and John Bolton have in common? All are strong, lifelong conservatives, writes Ken Mehlman, and all support the freedom of same-sex couples to marry,
Video: Anti-Gay Ads, Side-By-Side
In this week's episode of Marriage News Watch: An anti-gay ad in Washington is re-using discredited misinformation from other states. We'll have a side-by-side comparison.
“Come Out” for Marriage
You don’t have to be gay to come out. Show your support for marriage equality by pledging your support for marriage equality.
It’s About Family: Tammy and Wendy’s Love Story
Wendy Mayfield and Tammy Quaco of San Diego are thankful for a lot of things – namely, their family. With Tammy bringing two kids to the relationship, and Wendy bringing three, they worried that the new siblings would have a hard time blending.
San Francisco Reading of “8″ Gets Rave Review
Sunday's reading of the play "8" in San Francisco received a glowing article by the San Francisco Chronicle
Misleading Anti-Marriage Ads in Maine. AFER Corrects False Claims with Fact.
Two new anti-gay ads just started running in Maine this week. AFER corrects the claims in these commercials by using the testimony from the Prop 8 trial.