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3 Reasons for Marriage Equality
Take Action: Protect LGBT Youth from Dangerous Psychological Abuse
Plaintiffs Challenging Prop. 8 Urge Supreme Court to End Marriage Inequality
“8″ Spotlight: Marriage Equality Play Comes to Houston
Gay Couples Increasingly Start Families
Testimony: Marriage is a Basic Civil Right
Video: “Defense of Marriage Act” Strikes Out Again & More News
Prop. 8 Ruled Unconstitutional Two Years Ago
Interactive Map Shows the “Crazy Patchwork” of Marriage Rights
U.S. Supreme Court Asked to Hear Prop. 8 Case
Perry Case

September 12, 2012
AFER’s case challenging Prop. 8 is founded on three basic points. Find out what they are and why gay and lesbian Americans should be able to marry the person they love.

August 31, 2012
No youth should be told they are less than, or that they are not deserving of living a happy life. Urge Gov. Jerry Brown to sign new legislation that would ban the practice of so-called “ex-gay” or “reparative” therapy for minors.

August 24, 2012
Today, AFER's attorneys filed a brief in the United States Supreme Court defending the landmark federal appeals court ruling that found Proposition 8 unconstitutional.

August 22, 2012
“8” was created on the belief that theater has the power to transform people’s minds on the issue of marriage equality. If everyone could just see what happened in that federal courtroom two years ago, minds would be opened, truth would continue to spread, and public support would build.

August 10, 2012
The New York Times features the growing number of gay couples who—like many other couples— are facing pressure from family and friends to start a family soon after they get married.

August 7, 2012
We talk often about how marriage is a civil right, affirmed by 14 Supreme Court cases dating back to 1888. But marriage also holds specific significance throughout American history.

August 6, 2012
Prop 8 is heading to the Supreme Court, and another judge finds the Defense of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional in this week's Marriage News Watch.

August 4, 2012
Today marks the two-year anniversary of the District Court decision that ruled Prop. 8 unconstitutional. It’s easy to forget how historic the ruling is. Two years is too long to wait for something that is so obvious and inevitable.

August 1, 2012
A new interactive map by the Los Angeles Times tracks 10 years of progress and setbacks for marriage equality in the United States.

July 31, 2012
The proponents of Proposition 8 are asking the United States Supreme Court to reconsider the decision that ruled Prop. 8 unconstitutional. Video and more details.