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New York Times to Obama: Tell Supreme Court Prop. 8 is Unconstitutional
Save the Date: Prop. 8 Oral Argument Before the U.S. Supreme Court
Thank You! We Did It!
Last Chance: Let’s make 2013 the year of marriage equality!
Video: Marriage Equality in 2012, Year in Review
“Equal Justice Under Law”
Double Your Donation and Help Win Full Marriage Equality
Reactions: Prop. 8 at the Supreme Court
Supreme Court to Hear AFER’s Prop. 8 Case
Video: Supreme Court & Marriage: What Happens Next?
Perry Case

January 28, 2013
In a forceful editorial, the New York Times urged President Obama’s Justice Department to file a friend of the court brief with the U.S. Supreme Court supporting marriage equality and AFER’s challenge to Prop. 8:

January 7, 2013
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral argument in AFER’s federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8 on Tuesday, March 26.

January 2, 2013
AFER Executive Director Adam Umhoefer sends a huge thank you to everyone who helped AFER exceed its $50,000 end-of-year fundraising goal.

December 31, 2012
Just a quick reminder that this is your last chance to make a tax-deductible donation before the end of the year. Make your gift before Midnight tonight.

December 28, 2012
Here's a quick year-in-review to get you caught up with the progress we made in 2012, and where we're going to focus in 2013.

December 27, 2012
Make a special year-end donation to help AFER win the freedom to marry for every American. Your tax-deductible gift will be doubled dollar for dollar.

December 13, 2012
AFER is making the case for full federal marriage equality. We can win, but we need your help. Donate today to help us reach our $50,000 goal and our friend, Yeardley Smith, will double it.

December 10, 2012
Here are a few highlights from Friday's announcement that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear AFER’s case challenging Proposition 8 and the ACLU’s case challenging the so-called Defense of Marriage Act.

December 7, 2012
The moment we have been fighting for has finally arrived. The U.S. Supreme Court just announced that they will hear our federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8.

December 4, 2012
In this week's episode of Marriage News Watch: More suspense from the Supreme Court, a setback in a Nevada lawsuit, and more news.