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Misleading Anti-Marriage Ads in Maine. AFER Corrects False Claims with Fact.
NOM Launches Attack Ads in Battleground States. AFER Factchecks.
Finding of Fact: Children Benefit When Their Parents Can Marry
Video: Supreme Court Waiting to Decide on Hearing Prop. 8 Case
CA Gov. Jerry Brown Signs SB 1172, Legislation to Protect LGBT Youth from Dangerous Psychological Abuse
Finding of Fact No. 52: Domestic Partnerships Lack the Social Meaning Associated with Marriage
Prop. 8 Case Update: What’s Next
Video: Prop. 8 Case News, the Latest Polling and More
Vote! Help AFER Win Part of a $5 Million Grant
Prop. 8 Case: Everything You Need to Know About Supreme Court Timing
Perry Case
October 9, 2012
Two new anti-gay ads just started running in Maine this week. AFER corrects the claims in these commercials by using the testimony from the Prop 8 trial.
October 4, 2012
The National Organization for Marriage is ramping up their campaigns in Minnesota and Maine with two new television commercials. AFER corrects their claims with real facts.
October 4, 2012
Marriage inequality not only harms gay and lesbian Americans, it affects their children. the Federal District Court in the Perry case made the following finding of fact: The children of same-sex couples benefit when their parents can marry.
October 1, 2012
Big news still coming from the United State Supreme Court on the Prop 8 case. Plus: major advances in some of the other challenges to state and federal bans on the freedom to marry.
September 30, 2012
The legislation protects minors from deceitful mental health professionals who falsely claim to be able to change their sexual orientation or gender expression and will serve as a template for other states to protect their LGBT youth.
September 26, 2012
80 findings of fact in 2010 federal District Court decision in the Perry case speak to the nature of marriage and discrimination of gay and lesbian Americans. Here is one of them.
September 25, 2012
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court released a list of cases it will hear this Term and AFER’s challenge to Prop. 8 is not on this week's list. AFER will be watching each week’s announcements closely and will keep you updated with the latest information.
September 25, 2012
In this week's episode of Marriage News Watch: Big news coming from the United State Supreme Court on the Prop. 8 case. Plus major advances in some of the other challenges to state and federal bans on the freedom to marry.
September 14, 2012
You can help AFER win part of a $5 million grant to achieve marriage equality. All you have to do is vote in the 2012 Chase Giving Program. Everyone gets at least two votes and voting ends Wednesday, September 19.
September 13, 2012
AFER is working with our attorneys and California State officials to get you the most up-to-date information about what could happen at the U.S. Supreme Court and when. Here’s a rundown.