Marriage News Blog

My name is Tom Stier. I am the oldest son of Sandy Stier, and stepson of Kris Perry.
Mother’s Day is a day of acknowledgement and appreciation for the mothers in our lives. It is important to recognize mothers of all kinds—birth mothers, adoptive mothers, step mothers, and grandmothers—for their unconditional love. They give life to us and sacrifice so much so that we are loved and cared for. Before my mom got together with Kris, she was a struggling, single mother who worked day and night to make sure there was food on the table and shoes on me and my brother’s feet. A special thanks to all the single mothers out there for the sacrifices they make for their kids.
My mom and Kris fell in love 13 years ago and have been committed partners and mothers ever since. Kris and Sandy’s bravery and strength in their fight for equal rights has been inspirational to me and my brothers. It takes a lot of courage to be true to yourself and stand up for what you believe. I am happy to have Kris, Spencer and Elliott in my family and am grateful to have such caring and dedicated moms.
Thanks Mom and Kris for your love, and for fighting to give all Americans the freedom to marry. Love you.