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Interactive Map Shows the “Crazy Patchwork” of Marriage Rights
Battleground State Profile: Minnesota
Video: Prop. 8 Star Witness Switches Sides & More News
Video: Progress Continues for DOMA Cases & More News
The Impact of Taking “8” Across the Country

August 1, 2012
A new interactive map by the Los Angeles Times tracks 10 years of progress and setbacks for marriage equality in the United States.

July 26, 2012
We continue our four-part series profiling states facing marriage ballot measures by taking a look at Minnesota, which already has a law on the books that prevents gay and lesbian couples from getting married.

June 25, 2012
In this week's Marriage News Watch: One of the star witness who testified in favor of Prop 8 has switched sides, joining the majority of Americans who support the freedom to marry.

June 11, 2012
In this week's Marriage News Watch: A ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals last week means that the case against Proposition 8 is about to enter its final phase.

May 30, 2012
The play “8” began as an idea—an idea that through theater, hearts could be changed, minds could be awakened and new activists could be born.