Marriage News Blog
Why did the American Foundation for Equal Rights get involved in another case?
The answer is simple: How could we not?
Because for all the progress we’ve seen, so much remains the same. Loving couples in states like Virginia are still told they are nothing more than legal strangers, despite spending years building a life together. LGBT youth across the country still grow up with stigma, waking up every day afraid of who they are. The children of gay and lesbian couples are left vulnerable, unable to enjoy the security that comes with knowing their parents are legally married.
We have accomplished so much together, but this is just the start. Will you support our work to achieve marriage equality for gay and lesbian Americans?
Until all couples are able to build their lives together—until youth know that no matter whom they love, they are full and equal citizens in our country—until all children have the protections they are guaranteed—until we achieve equality, our work continues.