American Foundation for Equal Rights

Marriage News Blog

Trial Day 12: Prop. 8 is Un-American
The 2012 Prop. 8 trial came to a close on day 12 with a telling admission from the Prop. 8 Proponent's key witness.
Trial Day 11: Prop. 8 Proponents’ Witness Testimony Continues
When the Prop. 8 Proponents called to the stand David Blankenhorn to testify about marriage and the family, he revealed a telling admission.
Trial Day 10: Prop. 8 Proponents’ Witness Testimony
The proponents of Proposition 8 called to the stand Kenneth Miller, a professor of political science at Claremont McKenna College, as an expert in American and California politics.
New York Times to Obama: Tell Supreme Court Prop. 8 is Unconstitutional
In a forceful editorial, the New York Times urged President Obama’s Justice Department to file a friend of the court brief with the U.S. Supreme Court supporting marriage equality and AFER’s challenge to Prop. 8:
Trial Day 9: Medical Expertise
UC Davis professor Gregory Herek testifies about sexual orientation and social stigma.
Trial Day 8: Adverse Witness Testimony
AFER’s legal team bravely calls to the stand Hak-Shing William Tam, one of the official Proponents of Prop. 8.
Trial Day 7: A History of Discrimination
Ryan Kendell testifies about his experiences in so-called "ex-gay" therapy and Stanford political science professor Gary Segura testifies about the political powerlessness of gay and lesbian people in the United States.
Trial Day 6: The Benefits of Marriage
Republican Mayor Jerry Sanders testifies about his journey to support marriage equality and UMASS Amherst economics professor M.V. Lee Badgett testifies about economic and demographic issues related marriage equality.