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Graphic: 2013 was a historic year for marriage equality
Bow ties with a purpose
Prop. 8 Case Documentary Named Official Selection for Sundance Film Festival
Associated Press profiles couple challenging Virgina’s marriage amendment
Gay and Lesbian Couples Now Able to Get Married in Hawaii
AFER’s federal case for marriage equality progresses in Virginia
10 years ago, a historic decision brought marriage equality to Massachusetts
Hawaii becomes 16th state with marriage equality
One year since historic election for marriage equality
Illinois Legislature approves marriage equality, bill to be signed by the Governor

December 18, 2013
2013 was a historic year for marriage equality. AFER took our case against Prop. 8 to the U.S. Supreme Court. And we won. But our work continues.

December 5, 2013
When you purchase a Tie The Knot bow tie, skinny tie, or cuff links, a portion of the proceeds supports AFER and our federal court case for marriage equality.

December 4, 2013
The full-length documentary directed by Ben Cotner and Ryan White is one of only 16 documentaries selected for the prestigious film festival in January 2014.

December 3, 2013
Carol Schall was helping her teenage daughter renew her passport when a postal worker filling out the paperwork learned that Schall’s same-sex partner was the girl’s birth mother.“You’re nothing,” Schall recalls the worker saying as she crossed her name off the form. Schall was stunned.

December 2, 2013
At the stroke of midnight, Hawaii became the fifteen state where gay and lesbian couples can get married, in addition to Washington, DC.

November 19, 2013
This fall, AFER announced that our marriage equality work is continuing in federal court. Now, our case in Virginia is at a critical juncture.

November 18, 2013
The historic decision, authored by Chief Justice Margaret Marshall, was the final result of a case brought by seven gay and lesbian couples who lived in the state. They were represented by Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders,

November 12, 2013
At long last, marriage equality is coming to Hawaii. The state’s legislature just approved marriage equality legislation and Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie is expected to sign it into law.

November 6, 2013
One year ago today, voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington went to the polls and voted in favor of the freedom to marry, and in Minnesota they voted down an amendment to the state’s constitution.

November 5, 2013
The bill now advances to Governor Pat Quinn, a champion of the marriage equality, who plans to sign the bill into law. Illinois is fifteenth state in the nation to recognize marriage equality, the second in two months.