American Foundation for Equal Rights

Thank You, Mr. Black

Reed Cowan of the Huffington Post profiles AFER board member Dustin Lance Black, read more:

While I could fill pages and pages with names of those I’ve seen fight for equality, I’d like to focus my gratitude on my friend Dustin Lance Black. The reason I send thanks his way is that he’s been a humble and gracious symbol of the thousands who deserve my thanks at this point in history. In thanking him, I’m thanking those he often acts for in proxy.

Lance and I got to know each other during the making of our 2010 Sundance documentary 8: The Mormon Propo$ition. I was just a local TV reporter in Miami armed with insider documents proving the Mormon Church’s historic anti-gay crusade during Proposition 8 and other measures like it. He was a lofty Oscar winner whose call I never expected to receive after I asked him to narrate the film. But he did return the call.  And he had a much larger role in the completion and direction and writing of 8TMP than he’s ever gotten credit for.