News Roundup: 9th Circuit Rules Prop. 8 Unconsitutional Again
February 9, 2012
On Tuesday, February 7, 2012, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a ruling in Perry v. Brown upholding the historic August 2010 decision of the Federal District Court that found Proposition 8 unconstitutional.
The American Foundation for Equal Rights and its work challenging Prop. 8 in federal court was featured in media througout the country.
- Appeals court throws out same-sex marriage ban
February 7, 2012 - Experts: Marriage ban’s path to high court unclear
- California gay marriage ban overturned, appeal planned
February 7, 2012
- Court Strikes Down Ban on Gay Marriage in California
February 7, 2012 - A Ruling for Equal Rights
Editorial, February 7, 2012
- Prop. 8 simply can’t justify itself
Op/Ed by Dale Carpenter, February 13, 2012 - Anti-gay-marriage forces plan Prop. 8 strategy after legal defeat
February 9, 2012 - A banner day for gay rights
Editorial, February 8, 2012 - Opinion: Prop. 8 ruling: The legal path ahead
Erwin Chemerinsky, February 7, 2012 - California was ahead of the curve on gay marriage — for a while
February 7, 2012 - Prop. 8: Gay plaintiffs see end to ‘dark wall of discrimination’
February 7, 2012 - Court rejects Proposition 8
February 8, 2012 - Prop. 8 ruling: White House, GOP candidates react
February 7, 2012 - Villaraigosa calls on court to lift stay on gay marriages
February 7, 2012 - Prop. 8 ruling: Crowd celebrates outside S.F. courthouse
February 7, 2012 - Proposition 8 backers seek funds for gay marriage fight
February 7, 2012 - Dissenting Prop. 8 judge says ‘optimal partnership’ is man, woman
February 7, 2012 - Gay marriage: U.S. Supreme Court may not hear Prop. 8 appeal
February 7, 2012 - Prop. 8: Gay marriages won’t resume immediately in California
February 7, 2012
- Editorial: California same-sex marriage ruling tied in knots
February 9, 2012
- A U.S. appeals court rules Prop. 8 unconstitutional
February 7, 2012 - Editorial: Wise ruling against Prop. 8
February 7, 2012 - Opinion: Shaky grounds for Prop. 8 ruling
Debra J. Saunders, February 7, 2012
- Editorial: Proposition 8 ruling was just
February 9, 2012 - Proposition 8 ruled unconstitutional: On to the Supreme Court?
February 7, 2012
Editorial: Proposition 8 ruling is a stand for equal rights
February 7, 2012
- Editorial: Ruling against Prop. 8 could be hard to overturn
February 9, 2012
- Editorial: Prop 8 decision in California has weight in N.J.
February 9, 2012
South Florida Sun Sentenial
- Editorial: Supremes should OK gay marriage
February 11, 2012