American Foundation for Equal Rights

Sacramento Bee: At heart of Prop. 8 trial, a clash over motives

A majority of voters stopped same-sex marriage in California simply by casting a ballot for Proposition 8.

This week, when a federal trial resumes in San Francisco, attorneys challenging Proposition 8 will continue building a multilayered argument that voters’ action created an unconstitutional law based on prejudice and unfounded fear about homosexuality.

During the historic trial that began last week in U.S. District Court, attorneys for gay couples tried through opening arguments and witness testimony to show that the government – or the voters – have no rational purpose for excluding gays from a fundamental right such as marriage.

Proposition 8 attorneys, in an equally multifaceted approach, are working to establish that voters did have legitimate reasons to vote to make marriage only between a man and a woman.

Read the rest of Susan Ferriss’s Sacramento Bee article here.