Press Coverage
- 11/3/2011 Public Support Continues to Grow
- 10/3/2011 The New York Times: Ruling for Open Courts
- 09/9/2011 "8" Press Coverage
- 08/27/2011 NY Times: Going to the Videotape
- 08/27/2011 L.A. Times: Broadcast the Prop. 8 Trial Video
- 08/27/2011 Op/Ed: Throw open the Prop. 8 video records
- 08/25/2011 Prop. 8 Suit Emboldens Plaintiffs
- 08/19/2011 Chad Griffin: "True Lies"
- 07/22/2011 Los Angeles Times Op-Ed: Married But Unequal
- 06/17/2011 News Roundup: Court Rejects Attempt to Throw out Prop. 8 Ruling
- 06/10/2011 Julian Bond in USA Today: Why Prop 8 must fall
- 06/10/2011 Mercury News editorial: Ban gay judges from hearing gay rights cases? Absurd!
- 05/25/2011 Prop. 8 Defense Changes Course
- 04/27/2011 News Roundup: Prop. 8 Proponents desperate plea backfires in the media
- 03/28/2011 Los Angeles Times: With same-sex marriage on hold, elderly and ailing couples face a lengthy appeals process