Press Coverage
- 01/22/2010 Audrey Bilger: Why Straight People Should Be Following the Prop. 8 Federal Trial
- 01/22/2010 WSJ: Going Hostile: Boies & Co. Attack Motivations of Prop. 8 Backers
- 01/22/2010 NY Times: Same-Sex Marriage Case, Day 9: Research
- 01/22/2010 Keen News: Mid-day report: Day 9 Prop 8 trial
- 01/22/2010 Covering History: A Q&A with The Recorder’s Prop 8 Courtroom Reporter
- 01/22/2010 WSJ: Plaintiffs Wrap Up Challenge to Gay-Marriage Ban
- 01/22/2010 AP: Prop 8 Trial Witness: Being Gay Not a Choice
- 01/22/2010 San Jose Mercury: Prop 8 trial sees joust over whether homosexuality is product of choice or nature
- 01/21/2010 LA Times: Prop. 8 challengers highlight religion’s role in campaign
- 01/21/2010 Evan Wolfson: 14 Years After Hawaii: New Freedom to Marry Case in California; Same Old, Same Old From Opponents
- 01/21/2010 The Recorder: Trial Airs Mormon Church’s Role in Fight Over Prop 8
- 01/21/2010 The New Yorker: Power Points
- 01/21/2010 AP: Prop. 8 supporters: Gays lost support with tactics
- 01/21/2010 AP: Prop. 8 backer stands by views on pedophilia
- 01/21/2010 WSJ: Gay-Marriage Backers See Hostile Intent in Ban