Press Coverage
- 01/27/2010 San Jose Mercury: Proposition 8 trial: Attorney, witness engage in bitter argument as testimony nears end
- 01/27/2010 Keen News: Final Yes on 8 expert concedes ‘no scientific evidence’ of harm
- 01/27/2010 AP: Defense lawyers rest case at gay marriage trial
- 01/27/2010 WSJ: Gay-Marriage Ban Comes at What Cost?
- 01/26/2010 San Jose Mercury: Prop. 8 trial Day 11: Live coverage from the courtroom
- 01/26/2010 SF Chronicle: Gays have political power, Prop. 8 defense says
- 01/26/2010 LA Times: The Prop. 8 case trial memos
- 01/26/2010 LA Times: Prejudice helped pass Prop. 8, professor testifies
- 01/26/2010 Keen News: Mid-day report: Day 11 Prop 8 trial
- 01/26/2010 SF Chronicle: Prop. 8 witness criticized anti-gay measures
- 01/26/2010 WSJ: Lawyer Challenges Witness Opposed to Gay Marriage
- 01/26/2010 LA Times: Gay marriage could lead to fewer heterosexual marriages, witness says
- 01/26/2010 NY Times: Same-Sex Marriage Case, Day 11
- 01/26/2010 AP: Witness says marriage threatened if gays can wed
- 01/26/2010 San Jose Mercury: Prop 8 trial: Attorney, witness engage in bitter argument as testimony drawing to close