Press Coverage
- 04/29/2010 TIME Magazine: David Boies and Ted Olson, TIME 100
- 04/7/2010 The Advocate: Forty Under 40 - Chad Griffin
- 03/24/2010 CNN: The Odd Couple
- 03/22/2010 NPR: Olson An Unlikely Challenger Of Prop 8
- 02/26/2010 Bill Moyers Journal: Ted Olson and David Boies
- 02/5/2010 DC Agenda: Prop 8 trial spotlights clash of cultures
- 02/4/2010 AP: Calif. marriage trial draws friends with briefs
- 01/29/2010 SF Chronicle: Prop. 8 defense only needs 2 witnesses
- 01/29/2010 FindLaw: The Ongoing Proposition 8 Trial: Three Key Points About the Evidence and Arguments
- 01/29/2010 Time: Gay Marriage Trial Rests, and a Key Ruling Awaits
- 01/28/2010 WSJ: Prop. 8 Trial Wraps, Motions and Waiting to Follow
- 01/27/2010 SF Chronicle: Prop. 8 trial testimony ends
- 01/27/2010 NY Times: Proposition 8 Trial Pauses, but Not for Ruling
- 01/27/2010 NY Times: Same-Sex Marriage Case, Day 12: The End (for Now)
- 01/27/2010 WSJ: Defense Rests in Gay-Marriage Trial