News Archive
- 08/9/2010 Fox News/Margaret Hoover: My Fellow Conservatives, Think Carefully About Your Opposition to Gay Marriage
- 08/9/2010 Los Angeles Times: Let gays wed while the Prop. 8 ruling is appealed
- 08/9/2010 Los Angeles Times: Homosexuality and the law
- 08/6/2010 The Washington Post/Eugene Robinson: A judge’s mighty arguments for marriage equality
- 08/5/2010 Sacramento Bee: Equal protection prevails in court
- 08/5/2010 San Jose Mercury News: In Prop. 8 ruling, facts win out over fear-mongering
- 08/5/2010 San Francisco Chronicle: Equality wins in Vaughn Walker’s Prop. 8 ruling
- 08/4/2010 New York Times: Marriage Is a Constitutional Right
- 08/4/2010 Los Angeles Times: Proposition 8 ruling changes the debate over the same-sex marriage debate forever
- 08/1/2010 San Francisco Chronicle/David Boies: The case against Prop. 8: unconstitutional bias
- 07/22/2010 San Jose Mercury News/Robert A. Levy: Court ruling on federal law advances same-sex marriage
- 07/19/2010 New York Times/Adam Liptak: Looking for Timebombs and Tea Leaves on Gay Marriage
- 07/13/2010 Los Angeles Times: Same-sex marriage sanity
- 06/26/2010 New York Times: Both Sides in California’s Gay Marriage Fight See a Long Court Battle Ahead
- 06/21/2010 Los Angeles Times/Maura Dolan: Distilling the same-sex marriage case