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Video: States to Watch for Marriage Equality
Video: Marriage Equality in 2012, Year in Review
Video: 14 Supreme Court Rulings on Marriage
New Marriage Equality Ad Airing Nationwide Features Morgan Freeman
Video: Election Recap: Big Wins For Marriage
Debunked: Anti-Gay Ad in Washington
Video: Anti-Gay Ads, Side-By-Side
Marriage News Watch: New Polling From Key Marriage Battlegrounds (Video)
NOM Launches Attack Ads in Battleground States. AFER Factchecks.
Election Ads Show Importance of Marriage (Slideshow)

January 8, 2013
In this week's episode of Marriage News Watch: An exciting start to the year, with a win and a setback in Illinois. Two brand new marriage bills are on the fast track in Rhode Island. And a Congressional bill to repeal DOMA picks up support.

December 28, 2012
Here's a quick year-in-review to get you caught up with the progress we made in 2012, and where we're going to focus in 2013.

November 28, 2012
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled 14 times that marriage is a fundamental right. Watch this video to learn more about the cases.

November 26, 2012
Sunday, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation launched a TV ad nationwide featuring gay and lesbian couples, their families, and the voice of Morgan Freeman.

November 7, 2012
Check out a special episode of Marriage News Watch for a recap of last night's election results.

October 23, 2012
A new just launched in Washington, and it's a carbon-copy of the same misleading, hurtful messages used in other states. AFER takes a look at the new Washington ad and breaks it down.

October 15, 2012
In this week's episode of Marriage News Watch: An anti-gay ad in Washington is re-using discredited misinformation from other states. We'll have a side-by-side comparison.

October 8, 2012
There are several new poll numbers this week, and support is up across the board. But we're not out of the woods yet in this election's four key battleground states.

October 4, 2012
The National Organization for Marriage is ramping up their campaigns in Minnesota and Maine with two new television commercials. AFER corrects their claims with real facts.

October 3, 2012
With less than 34 days until Election Day, campaigns are heating up in the four states where marriage is on the ballot. Here’s a look at the TV ads in states facing marriage equality referendums.