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Election Ads Show Importance of Marriage (Slideshow)
With less than 34 days until Election Day, campaigns are heating up in the four states where marriage is on the ballot. Here’s a look at the TV ads in states facing marriage equality referendums.
Video: Supreme Court Waiting to Decide on Hearing Prop. 8 Case
Big news still coming from the United State Supreme Court on the Prop 8 case. Plus: major advances in some of the other challenges to state and federal bans on the freedom to marry.
New Digital Media Campaign Launches for Four States Facing Marriage in November
Marriage is on the ballot in four states – Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington. Now, a new digital media campaign, The Four 2012, provides you with daily actions to support each of the campaigns.
Interactive Map Shows the “Crazy Patchwork” of Marriage Rights
A new interactive map by the Los Angeles Times tracks 10 years of progress and setbacks for marriage equality in the United States.
Battleground State Profile: Maryland
For the second installment in a four-part series about states with marriage equality ballot initiates, we look at Maryland. Find out about the history of marriage efforts in the state, current polling and what you can do.
Video: New Hope For Married Gay Soldiers & More News
In this week's episode: A proposed new law would let the Army recognize the spouses of service-members for the first time ever. Anti-gay activists in Maryland collect enough signatures to force a referendum, but now they're tens of thousands of dollars in debt.
Video: Progress Continues for DOMA Cases & More News
In this week's Marriage News Watch: A ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals last week means that the case against Proposition 8 is about to enter its final phase.
Video: A Double-Victory Against DOMA & More News
In this week's Marriage News Watch: Another major blow to the Defense of Marriage Act, and twenty-five couples sue for marriage in Illinois.
The Impact of Taking “8” Across the Country
The play “8” began as an idea—an idea that through theater, hearts could be changed, minds could be awakened and new activists could be born.