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Debunked: Anti-Gay Ad in Washington
Marriage News Watch: Strikeout #8 for DOMA and More News
Misleading Anti-Marriage Ads in Maine. AFER Corrects False Claims with Fact.
NOM Launches Attack Ads in Battleground States. AFER Factchecks.
Election Ads Show Importance of Marriage (Slideshow)
Video: Supreme Court Waiting to Decide on Hearing Prop. 8 Case
CA Gov. Jerry Brown Signs SB 1172, Legislation to Protect LGBT Youth from Dangerous Psychological Abuse
New Digital Media Campaign Launches for Four States Facing Marriage in November
Video: Koch Brother Supports Marriage Equality and More News
Three Years of Marriage Equality in Vermont
In the States
October 23, 2012
A new just launched in Washington, and it's a carbon-copy of the same misleading, hurtful messages used in other states. AFER takes a look at the new Washington ad and breaks it down.
October 22, 2012
Another ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act. A former Prop. 8 supporter releases a new video explaining his change of heart. And polling on marriage in key states remains very close just days out from the election.
October 9, 2012
Two new anti-gay ads just started running in Maine this week. AFER corrects the claims in these commercials by using the testimony from the Prop 8 trial.
October 4, 2012
The National Organization for Marriage is ramping up their campaigns in Minnesota and Maine with two new television commercials. AFER corrects their claims with real facts.
October 3, 2012
With less than 34 days until Election Day, campaigns are heating up in the four states where marriage is on the ballot. Here’s a look at the TV ads in states facing marriage equality referendums.
October 1, 2012
Big news still coming from the United State Supreme Court on the Prop 8 case. Plus: major advances in some of the other challenges to state and federal bans on the freedom to marry.
September 30, 2012
The legislation protects minors from deceitful mental health professionals who falsely claim to be able to change their sexual orientation or gender expression and will serve as a template for other states to protect their LGBT youth.
September 7, 2012
Marriage is on the ballot in four states – Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington. Now, a new digital media campaign, The Four 2012, provides you with daily actions to support each of the campaigns.
September 4, 2012
In this week's episode of Marriage News Watch: Washington's anti-gay activists are falling way behind in fundraising. And support for marriage equality grows, with endorsements from key Republican figures.
September 1, 2012
Three years ago, Vermont became the fourth state in the country where gay and lesbian couples had freedom to marry. On this third anniversary, let's take a moment look back at how that happened — and what's happened since.