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Ted Olson and David Boies Wall Street Journal: Gays Deserve Equal Rights
Media Coverage: Marriage Equality at the Supreme Court
‘Regular’ couples at core of historic marriage case
Profile of Prop. 8 Plaintiffs Sandy and Kris
Video: Making Our Case at the Supreme Court
Washington Post Profiles AFER Plaintiffs Fighting for Marriage Equality
Suze Orman and the Cost of Marriage Inequality
New TV ad for Marriage Equality with Barack Obama, Colin Powell and More
New York Times to Obama: Tell Supreme Court Prop. 8 is Unconstitutional
Video: Marriage Equality in 2012, Year in Review
AFER in the News

March 26, 2013
On the day they argue for marriage equality at the Supreme Court, AFER attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies pen an editorial in the Wall Street Journal eloquently stating why gay and lesbian couples deserve equal marital rights nationwide.

March 24, 2013
Watch the latest videos and read great articles about AFER's case for marriage equality.

March 20, 2013
USA Today features the heart-warming stories of AFER's plaintiffs, Kris Perry & Sandy Stier and Paul Katami & Jeff Zarrillo, the two couples who are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to let them, and every other gay and lesbian American, get married.

March 19, 2013
Take a look inside the home of Prop. 8 plaintiffs Sandy Stier and Kris Perry.

March 13, 2013
We are now less than two weeks away from making our case at the U.S. Supreme Court, so we put together a quick video about what we’re fighting for and what’s at stake.

March 10, 2013
It’s the moving stories of couples like Paul and Jeff that are at the heart of our case for marriage equality. Read the Washington Post's profile of this incredible couple.

February 22, 2013
CNBC Host Suze Orman moderated a panel discussion Thursday at New York University on the economic harms caused by the federal government failing to recognize marriage for gay and lesbian couples.

February 20, 2013
New TV and print ads—now nationwide—show the widespread, bipartisan support from leaders including President Barack Obama, former Vice President Dick Cheney, former First Lady Laura Bush, and former Secretary of State Colin Powell.

January 28, 2013
In a forceful editorial, the New York Times urged President Obama’s Justice Department to file a friend of the court brief with the U.S. Supreme Court supporting marriage equality and AFER’s challenge to Prop. 8:

December 28, 2012
Here's a quick year-in-review to get you caught up with the progress we made in 2012, and where we're going to focus in 2013.