American Foundation for Equal Rights

Marriage News Blog

Gov. Chris Christie Drops Appeal, Gay and Lesbian Couples Get Married in New Jersey

At the stroke of midnight, gay and lesbian couples were able to get married in New Jersey.

Rich Kiamco, left, and David Gibson were the first gay couple married in Jersey City. Photo via Associated Press

One of the first couples to wed was Beth Asaro and Joanne Schailey.

They were also the first couple to get a civil union in the state in 2007.

Lambertville Mayor David Del Vecchio officiated both ceremonies. Photo: AP

Senator-Elect Cory Booker also stayed up late to marry couples.

 Then came word that Gov. Christie dropped the challenge to marriage equality in the state.

GSE v. Dow – Withdrawal of Appeal by Equality Case Files

Marriage equality is now the law of the land in New Jersey, 13 other states, and our nation’s capital.

The momentum continues to grow.