Marriage News Blog

Marriage equality remains the law of the land across all of California.
Today the California Supreme Court rejected Prop. 8 Proponents’ last-ditch effort to revive Proposition 8. Following the resumption of marriage equality in California on June 28, Prop. 8 Proponents filed a lawsuit seeking to limit where gay and lesbian couples could marry to only two California counties.
The California Supreme Court’s Order reads:
The motions for judicial notice, entitled “Motion For Judicial Notice In Support Of Preliminary Opposition To Petition For Writ Of Mandate Of Twenty Respondent Clerk-Recorders” (filed July 22, 2013) and “Motion for Judicial Notice In Support of Reply To Preliminary Oppositions to Petition For Writ of Mandate” (filed August 1, 2013), both are granted. The petition for a writ of mandate is denied.
For nearly two months now, gay and lesbian couples have been getting married in all of California’s 58 counties. They have stood in front of their family and friends to declare their love and commitment to one another.
Today’s ruling is yet another nail in Prop. 8’s coffin and affirms that justice falls on the side of fairness and equality.